Tasks and goals

Rhenish mining district 2038+ Tasks

The spatial strategy for the Rhenish mining district 2038+ is to identify challenges and potentials in an intensive regional discourse and to develop common programmatic and spatial objectives as well as guidelines with the local stakeholders. The high dynamics of the structural change process as well as the complexity of the upcoming challenges in the different subspaces require an integrative planning process. In addition to long-term goals for the region as a whole, short- and medium-term solutions are needed at the sub-area and project level.

Focal points Target system

Autonomous of a future mission statement, the Zukunftsagentur Rheinisches Revier has defined five lines of development that describe different focal points for the transformation of the region.

Livable region

The region should invite people to visit and stay, while at the same time old-established residents should continue to identify with their area.

High-performance region

By consistently focusing on existing and future strengths, the Rhenish mining district is to become one of the most efficient and competitive regions in Europe.

Innovative region

Thanks to the region's excellent research landscape, innovative companies and the implementation of forward-looking concepts, the Rhenish mining district is to fully develop its enormous innovative potential.

Climate-neutral region

Renewable energies, resource efficiency and resource-saving consumption are to make the Rhenish mining district one of the first largely climate-neutral regions in Europe.

Networked region

The Rhenish mining district is to become a strongly networked region within itself and in an interregional and global context in order to skillfully value its excellent central position in Europe.

FAQ Fequently asked questions

  • What is the task of Revierknoten Raum?

    As one of seven territory nodes, the Revierknoten Raum accompanies structural change in the Rhenish mining district. As a part of the Zukunftsagentur Rheinisches Revier, it works on the programmatic framework for the spatial development of the region and supports regional actors in the initiation and implementation of funding projects.

  • What's behind it?

    The Revierknoten Raum is an interdisciplinary team of planners and architects that combines the competences of spatial planning, urban planning and architecture and focuses on the spatial development of the region. The Revierknoten Raum is managed in trust by the Chair and Institute for Urban Design and European Urbanism at the RWTH Aachen University by Prof. Christa Reicher.

  • Why a spatial strategy?

    With the framework process of the spatial strategy for the Rhenish mining district 2038+, an overall regional development strategy is being developed on the basis of existing regional concepts and analyses, which addresses the challenges of structural change in the region and points out possible solutions. In doing so, an integrated approach is pursued that is specifically tailored to the local characteristics and needs of the region. As a sustainable common vision, the spatial strategy for the Rhenish mining district 2038+ maps common goals and can thus be a point of orientation for all actors in the structural change process.

  • How is the cooperation with the other Revierknoten?

    Together with the Revierknoten Infrastruktur und Mobilität, the Revierknoten Raum forms the future field Raum in order to jointly meet the challenges and opportunities in overlapping thematic fields. Furthermore, there is a continuous exchange among the Revierknoten at the working level in order to make the best possible use of the existing expertise for the various fields of action and ongoing projects. In addition to this closer thematic cooperation, the Revierknoten individually design targets in their responsible thematic area, considering project proposals and the common principles of the Zukunftsagentur. This creates the basis for future funding scenarios. In addition to the Revierknoten Raum and the Revierknoten Infrastruktur und Mobilität, the Revierknoten Energie and Industrie form the future field Energie und Industrie and thus complement the two future fields Ressourcen und Agrobusiness and Innovation und Bildung of their respective territory nodes. The ensemble of future fields is completed by the seventh Revierknoten "Internationale Bau- und Technologieausstellung" (IBTA).

  • How can I get involved?

    As a citizen of the region, you will be able to actively participate through a comment function on our interactive map work, the Raumlabor.

    In addition, you will have the opportunity to participate in public events within the framework of the multiple commissioning process for the spatial image. For up-to-date information on the events, please refer to the announcements on this homepage.

    The monthly Reviertalks offer you the opportunity to take part in thematic expert lectures and to keep yourself informed about the regional discourse.

  • What is a multiple commission?

    Multiple commissioning is mainly used for planning tasks or idea-finding processes in the field of urban development and landscape planning and aims to find innovative and integrated solutions. 

    A future path, cooperatively developed by three renowned planning offices, promises to set the course for successful spatial development in the Rhenish mining area with the spatial strategy process.

  • What is the role of the Zukunftsagentur Rheinisches Revier and the Wirtschaftsministerium Nordrhein-Westfalen (MWIDE)?

    The Revierknoten "Raum is part of the Zukunftsagentur Rheinisches Revier, which coordinates the interests of the region as a strategic partner of the federal and state governments. Funded by the Ministerium für Wirtschaft, Innovation, Digitalisierung und Energie of North Rhine-Westphalia, the Zukunftsagentur Rheinisches Revier is a central coordinating body for managing structural change and bundles the interests and needs of the region.

    In addition to moderating the work of the Revierknoten expert groups, the Zukunftsagentur Rheinisches Revier publishes calls for funding for structural change projects based on the Wirtschafts- und Strukturprogramm (WSP) and provides information on the progress of the process through public relations work. Furthermore, the Zukunftsagentur organises events such as the Revierkonferenz and offers citizens' dialogues and consultations for stakeholders involved in the structural change process.